a lament for the unhealed.

Emmanuel Odunfa.
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

I stepped into your room, the silence deafening. Your once lively space now feels like a tomb. I walked to your bed, my eyes drawn to the envelope on your pillow. With shaking hands, I opened it, my vision blurred by tears.

“My dearest friend,” it began, “I’m sorry for leaving you. The darkness consumed me, and I couldn’t find my way back. Please don’t blame yourself. This was my burden to bear.”

As I read your words, memories flooded my mind: the laughter, the secrets, and the dreams we shared. As I trace the scars on your wrists, I’m haunted by the words I never said. The weight of my regrets suffocates me, a bitter reminder of the chances I let slip away. I wish you were here, to forgive me for the pain I caused before it was too late.

Your letter continued, “Your friendship was my only light in the darkness. I’m sorry for not being strong enough to hold on. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you.”

Tears fell like razors, cutting into my soul. I wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all. I wished I could turn back time and be there for you in your darkest hour. But it was too late.

I tucked your letter into my pocket, a piece of your tortured soul to carry with me. I took one last look at your room, memories playing like a tragic film. I knew I would never forget you; your absence is haunting me forever.

As I left, I whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you from the darkness. I’m sorry for the words I never said. Goodbye, my friend. I hope you’ve found peace.”

I stepped outside, the world bleak and colorless. The rain mingled with my tears, the skies weeping for your lost soul. I knew my heart would never heal, the pain of losing you forever was etched into my being. With each step, I felt the weight of your absence, a void that could never be filled. The realization hit me like a crushing wave: I would never see your smile again, never hear your laughter, never feel the warmth of your embrace. You were gone, forever lost to the darkness that had claimed you, and I was left alone to bear the burden of a life without you.

In that moment, I understood the true depth of despair, the agony of a shattered heart that could never be mended. The future stretched before me, a bleak and endless expanse of sorrow and regret. I knew I would carry the guilt of your loss with me until my final breath, a constant reminder of the light I had failed to save.

As I walked away, each step heavier than the last, I felt a part of myself die with you. The world would never be the same, forever dimmed by the absence of your light. And though I knew I had to keep going, to find a way to honor your memory, I couldn’t help but wonder what purpose there was in a life without you.

With a final, anguished sob, I whispered your name, a broken plea carried away on the wind. I knew then that a piece of my soul had died with you, forever lost to the abyss of grief. And as I turned my face to the weeping sky, I realized that I would never truly live again, forever haunted by the ghost of what we once had and the future we would never share.

